Mindful Self-Compassion course
learn to treat yourself with care & kindness
Why is it so hard to give ourselves the same compassion we so easily give to our friends?
Most of us would be kind to a close friend who was suffering, yet we can be merciless with ourselves.
Does this sound familiar?
you beat yourself up when you fail or make a mistake
you’re much harder on yourself than you’d EVER be on a friend
you try and motivate yourself with criticism
you’re your own worst enemy
you don’t know how to cope with difficult emotions like sadness, shame or fear
If you recognise this picture the first thing to know is that you’re not alone. And there IS hope.
Mindful Self-Compassion is a powerful, research-based programme that teaches people how to start becoming their own best friends.
What an incredible life skill - to know that whatever happens you’ll always have your own back.
About the Mindful Self-Compassion course
Mindful Self-Compassion is an evidence-based group course that will help you start developing a kinder relationship with yourself, even in difficult and painful moments of life.
The course was developed by researcher Dr Kristin Neff, and psychologist Dr Chris Germer. You’ll learn about the three core components of self-compassion:
Mindfulness: noticing that you’re suffering
Self-kindness: responding to your own suffering with care
Common humanity: recognising that everyone struggles sometimes
Anyone can learn the skill of mindful self-compassion, whether or not you received enough kindness growing up, and even if you feel a little uncomfortable at the thought of being kind to yourself now.
"We are bigger than our pain; we are also the love holding the pain."
-Kristin Neff PhD
What you’ll learn
how to stop being so hard on yourself
how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease
how to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
how to transform difficult relationships, both old and new
mindfulness and self-compassion practices for home and everyday life
the theory and research behind mindful self-compassion
how to become your own best teacher
How the course works
Mindful Self-Compassion courses run over eight consecutive weeks, including a mini retreat.
The course includes guided meditation, short talks, experiential exercises, group discussion, and practices to try at home between sessions.
Included in your ticket:
8 weekly live classes led by Sally
A mini retreat session to deepen your practice
Guided recordings to use for daily home practice
Follow-up emails to keep you on track between sessions
Personalised one-to-one support, as needed
Lifelong access to a course Padlet for inspiration
Upcoming Mindful Self-Compassion courses
Mindful Self-Compassion courses
Mindful Self-Compassion online course
A friendly online group course you can join from the comfort of your own home. We’ll meet for eight consecutive Monday evenings to learn and practice mindful self-compassion together.
20th January - 10th March 2025
Mondays, 6-9pm
Includes morning retreat on Saturday 22nd February (9.30am-1.30pm)
Online, held live via Zoom
£325 (limited concessionary places are available for people in financial difficulty - please mention this on your registration form)
Each session includes a mix of teachings, group discussion, journaling-style reflective exercises and guided meditations. We’ll use breakout rooms in each session for small group work, and you’ll be asked to keep you camera on as much as you are able to.
Any questions? Email: hello@sallyharrismindfulness.co.uk
Please note that this course is now full. Sign up to my newsletter if you’d like to receive an email when new dates for 2025 are announced.
No, this course is open to everyone and you don’t need to have attended a Mindfulness course or have an existing meditation practice in order to attend.
The Mindful Self-Compassion course covers some emotionally activating topics such as difficult relationships, shame, anger and unmet needs. It is not recommended for people currently experiencing severe mental health difficulties, or stressful life events such as divorce, bereavement or moving house.
When you sign up you’ll be asked to provide background information to help Sally assess if MSC will be helpful to you at this time and to support you during the program. You may be invited for a confidential chat with Sally to discuss this. If you’d like to arrange a chat before signing up please email hello@sallyharrismindfulness.co.uk
Sally’s MSC course groups are generally between 8-14 people.
Each week there will be an opportunity to share how you got on with your home practice, but you won’t be asked to share anything pertaining to your personal life. All participants will be made aware that this course is NOT group therapy. If you’re feeling nervous about being in a group setting do let Sally know when you sign up for the course and she’ll be happy to offer additional support as needed to help you feel comfortable.
A limited number of concessionary places are available for each MSC course. Please email hello@sallyharrismindfulness.co.uk for further details.
Not sure if this course is right for you?
Get in touch with Sally to arrange an informal chat, or take a look at the other courses on offer.